Sunday 2 November 2014



Don´t you think having a monster as a friend would be great?

Let me introduce my friend Sammy Angerling. 

Click here to see her description

And here you can listen to the description:
Now you are ready to create your new monster. 

You can choose how you want it to be (the colour, the eyes, etc.) and, of course, choose a great name for your new friend.

Pay attention to its features, because when you finish you will have to describe it and draw a picture!

Click here to start having fun creating your monster! 

Don't forget to write the description of your new friend using the following document: MY MONSTER.

When you finish, you can read your monster's description to your friends and your teacher.

See how horrifying are the other monsters!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alba, the colours of the blog are very attractive. This game is a very good way to learn vocabulary. The children can make their own monster, playing and learning at the same time. It is very original and funny.

  3. Hi Alba, This is a great activity for the children to practice the parts of the body, colours and adjectives vocabulary. They love monsters so they will sure enjoy inventing their own one and describing it. About your blog, I love the colours, the font and the images in the background you've used. My children would sure enjoy learning English with your blog. Congratulations!

  4. Hello Alba, I think the way you have presented your blog is very attractive for children. I would have liked to see what age group it is addressed to, but anyway I think it is a funny and enjoyable activity. You have thought and presented it in two steps and I think it makes it more affordable.
    Best regards,

    Pilar Arqued

  5. Hello Alba!

    I think that it is a good game which the children can learn and play at the same time. Moreover, the children love monsters, so it is perfect for them.


  6. Hi Alba,
    Congratulations for such a great blog, full of colours and big fun for kids.
    I really like this activity because it is very complete. First of all it is a big fun creating a monster, secondly, the children can practice how to write a description and learn some vocabulary. And thirdly, they also work the oral skill while they read the description in front of the class.
    As the time for teaching English is very limited in the classroom it is very important to practice as many different skills as possible at the same time.
    I look forward to read more entries!
    Jon Arcelus

  7. Hi Alba! Congratulations on your blog. It is very attractive and interesting for elementary students, and teachers can get practical and motivating activities. Good job!
